Thursday, August 27, 2009

Faculty Professional Development

MLWGS faculty professional development this year included presentations led by current faculty members and by visiting educators.

Workshops led by visiting educators include "Research for the Classroom and the Curriculum" by Dr. Robert Tai, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, and "Developing Scientific Communication Skills in Our Students" by Dr. Ann Penrose, Professor of English, North Carolina State University.

An overview of the summer revisions to the FIRC curriculum were presented by Jeremy Clark, Christie Riles, Celie Boswell, Wendy DeGroat, and Phil Sorrentino.

Funding for the sessions was provided by donations to the Governor's School Foundation.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Alumnus Writes in Science

Paul Shaffer '96 was recently the first author on a scientific research report in Science entitled "Structure and Mechanism of a Na+ Independent Amino Acid Transporter."

To read the abstract, click here:

Monday, August 10, 2009

Alumnus Reports from Indonesia

Jonathan Leibovic '08 is traveling in Indonesia and has had a number of pieces published in the Jakarta Globe: "The Night Bus: Taking the Long Road to Denpasar, Bali," "Going With The Grain of Life in Bali," and "Behind-the-Scenes Bali Showman Comes to Jakarta."

To read these fascinating articles, go to