Friday, March 5, 2010

FOVGS Day at the General Assembly a Success

Pictured (left to right): Director Fred Morton, Dylan Kolhoff '10, Siobhan Rigby '12, Claire Porté '12, Delegate Bill Janis, Johnny Mac Yates '13, Mikey Valacer '13, Kelsey Miller '12.

The annual "Capitol Day" sponsored by Friends of Virginia's Governor's School was a major success again this year. On Wednesday, March 3, students and parents from MLWGS and other governor's schools visited the General Assembly and Senate to ask legislators to be kind to our schools during the budget-cutting sessions.

The Friends of Virginia's Governor's Schools is an the advocacy organization that represents all 18 state-wide schools. Special thanks goes to the FOVGS leadership team: Sara Hillgrove, Martha Young, and Jane Scheibe.

Pictured (left to right): Lobbyist Joseph Stanley '05, Callie Guy '10, and Director Fred Morton.