Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chorus Earns Top Honors

From Smoke & Scales:

Our small, but mighty chorus earned top honors in the VCDA District I Choral Festival held on Friday, March 13th at Tucker High School. Under the direction of Mrs. Storti and accompanied by Lizzie Barnett ('11) on harp and Alex Georgiadis ('12) on piano, the chorus received Superior (I) ratings from all three judges on the panel.

They performed Benjamin Britten's "This Little Babe" from the Ceremony of Carols and Sheldon Curry's arrangement of "Down to the River to Pray."

Comments included "very nice tone quality for a small group", "great sense of unity", "solid intonation throughout", "very good diction, especially vowels", and "very musical interpretation". Even our lone baritone, Tucker Dean ('11), received a commendation: "Way to go for your only guy! Great job!"